ASI: #31971 SAGE: #69032

Frequently Asked Questions

Art Information

Why submit vector art? My file worked fine for brochures?

Vector art ensures that there is no loss of quality during production and also allows Adinaline to trap spot colors and improve registration. Many products, such as brochures, are printed using offset digital printing methods and have easier registration setups.

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Can I increase the DPI to raise my resolution?

On a raster image, once the DPI has been reduced it cannot be raised again. All art raster files submitted to Adinaline must be at a minimum of 300 DPI for production. Web images are saved at a 72 DPI resolution and will not print clearly.

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Do we need white on clear products?

For any product produced that is clear, we recommend using a white backing on printed logos and texts. This will increase the visibility of the ink once placed on glass or a colored background. White should be used to back up the art or as a flood behind the entire decal. Please indicate which method you prefer when purchasing a clear promotional product.

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Why do I need spot colors on my 4 color process art?

Large areas of coverage and specific PMS matches are not guaranteed in screen printing. Often a spot color is needed to meet our clients' expectations. Additionally, the small text or elements created out of process colors will not hold up to the coarse lpi used.

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When I submit spot colors, why do you ask for 4 color process?

It depends on the file type and product being purchased. Many photographs and art with gradients and shades are often better off printed as four color process. While spot colors may be identified, unnamed or multi color blends usually separate themselves into CMYK.

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My art looked fine on the laser printout, but very rough on the product. Why?

If a low resolution tiff or grayscale art file is submitted, it will always look better when printed on laser paper. Laser or ink jet printers both recognize shades of gray and will not use a halftone dot system. If the art is grayscale and no tones are requested within the print, the art loses all the shading during the film process and the output is rough.

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How can I upload my artwork files?

Please visit our Sales Portal section of our website to read the specifications on submitting artwork. Instructions for submitting or requesting artwork can be found in this section.

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Is consecutive numbering available?

Consecutive numbering is available on many of our products at Adinaline. Please refer to the individual product page to determine whether consecutive numbering is available. Call toll free or email us directly for pricing on consecutive numbering.

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Will you send me a proof before my job is printed?

Yes, all orders placed with Adinaline require a full artwork proof, digitally verified and confirmed prior to production. We always guarantee accuracy to this proof and this process helps eliminate errors and faults during the production process.

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Can I email my order to you?

Yes, when you're ready to place your final order, please email all pertinent information to Please also ensure that you include your purchase order and any applicable payment information as well as your camera ready (fully vectored) artwork.

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What if I need to cancel an order?

Due to the custom nature of our products, once an order has been placed it cannot be canceled for any reason. Exceptions are made only if, for any reason, the product is defective or incorrectly manufactured.

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Can I order a non-standard quantity?

Yes, you may order any non-standard quantity with the exception of less than minimum. Our products have various minimum orders required for production and these are non-negotiable.

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Do you have overruns / underruns?

No, we DO NOT charge for over/underruns. We will produce the exact quantity that you request at no additional charge to you.

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Is there a charge for halftones?

Depending on the product and whether halftones are available or not, there may be a charge for halftones. Please call to confirm prior to placing your finalized order.

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What are the turnaround times for your products?

Typically, most of our products are delivered within 14 days time. However, due to manufacturing processes, some items may take longer and larger quantities such as 10,000 or more may require a longer production time.

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Are rush services available?

Rush services are available for most of our products. Rush fees will vary and apply to any items that has a faster production request. Please call in advance to confirm pricing and delivery schedule.

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What are your shipping policies?

Depending on our production facility and product selected, we will typically ship all of our orders International Air Express or UPS or FEDEX ground unless otherwise specified. We can ship via your UPS, FEDEX or DHL account as well.

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Can you ship my order C.O.D.?

No. Due to the custom nature of promotional products, all new clients must have total payment made in full prior to the beginning of production. Exceptions may be made for longer standing clients with repeat ordering business.

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Can you split shipment my order?

We can accommodate split shipments with any of our products at an additional cost. Please call or email for more split shipment information.

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Can you send me samples?

Depending on availability, we will be happy to ship samples. Simply provide your UPS, FEDEX or DHL account number along with what samples you need and the delivery address that we can send them to. Samples typically ship ground and will be of random size and style.

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Can you send me a catalog?

We are an environmentally conscious business and do not print physical catalogs. We have electronic versions of our catalogs located here on the website in the Sales Portal. Click Here to view our latest product catalog.

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Company Information

ASI Logo

ASI: #31971


SAGE: #69032

"This all looks great! Thank you! We are very impressed with the service we receive from this company and tell ALL of our people (thousands) where we get our bracelets from and what kind of service we receive. Never underestimate the importance of service. Thank you for your excellent service."

- Chad Wagoner